buy foundlings jewellery...

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Wednesday 28 April 2010

Shopaholic perhaps?

Remember the incredible Dior stuff I last lusted over? Well they aren't exactly the same but hey, they were only 3 quid, for a pair of hairclips, and they're definitely of the same feel! I can justify my shopaholic tendencies... I buy cheap and often, and my Mum dragged me to the shops! Good old New Look!

Tuesday 20 April 2010

More sexy jewellery goodness!

Um, still trying really hard to save money, so I'm a bit like a greedy dieter eyeing up squishy cakes through the baker's window at the moment... except my sin is in the form of shiny jewels! For goodness sake though, will Vivienne Westwood EVER stop being cool and designing things I love? She surely is the devil in disguise with all her wicked temptation!

And acrylic is the new black daaaaahlings!

Monday 19 April 2010

Retail therapy perhaps?!

Well, I know it's a bit shallow but sometimes I do rather like buying stuff...

And nothing's quite as satisfying as getting beautiful goodies from Anna Lou of London half price, and then they turn up in a gorgeous box, wrapped in lovely tissue paper, with cute little Anna Lou stickers on them! Chuffed to bits! xxx

Another new hobby...

I've always loved Laura Lees designs with the kooky embroidery, and over Easter weekend actually had a real day off, so I thought I'd try a little myself! It did take a lot longer than I thought but it was lovely to do, and now I want to embroider everything I own!

If only there were more hours in the day!