buy foundlings jewellery...

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Thursday, 25 June 2009

Mission Impossible, Codename: cabinet

When I brought this ace seventies sideboard home it was not particularly well received at home, earning itself comments like 'firewood' and 'smells like a charity shop'. Well I can see potential so I don't care if nobody else can!

So I am defiantly determined to make it cool for as little money as possible, and considering I got the thing for 4 quid, and paper to line the inside for free, and already had some sandpaper and primer in stock, I'm doing rather well so far!

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Guest List-tastic!

I feel like a proper lucky git to have been invited to the opening night of the Banksy Versus Bristol Museum exhibition this weekend! Ace! (I wore my Mixko ceramic skull ring just to make sure I was cool enough!)

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

All White Everyone?!

I'm feeling quite fixated with white things at the moment, i like to create in colour, dress in lots of colours and have bright orange hair, so I think I find a sense of calm in objects which are purely white, especially some of these clever designs which are not necessarily supposed to be made from white ceramic! The milk carton jugs from Ricochet Studio are amazing, and I'm definitely getting myself some of Rob Brandt's crushed coffee and espresso cups...
And offerings from the ever fabulous Etsy include Yogagoat's cool as mustard bunch of fortune cookies and The Automatic Crystal's strangely beautiful porcelain peanut necklace!

Finally, last but by no means least, uber cool design studio Mixko create brilliantly unusual items, including my favourites - their lovely ceramic rings. Models include 'Barby' and 'Baby' below...

Whilst researching this post I have totally fallen in love with their ice-cream cone light fittings too, what an ace way to make a feature of energy efficient bulbs! I had a spooky moment actually, as I was in the middle of chomping through a Cornetto when I came accross the picture! The final ring below is the one I decided on for myself, and the funky chunky dude always gets a great reaction when plonked on my tiny little finger!