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Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Acceptable in the 80's

When I was a teenager everything was 60's, from tie-dye to motown, I noticed a progression through 70's trends as I got older and thought the 80's would never come back, they were far too naff ever to re-emerge... and yet here I find myself loving the newest form of retro, as if shell-suits never happened! These are my fave Etsy 80's goodies...

From wildcatdesigns, the space invaders scarf.

LoveLeeSoaps (one of my favourite soapiers) designed this fantastic banana scented pacman.

The groovy mixtape pouch from BraveMoonman is uber cool, think it probably has some Billy Joel recorded on it, and maybe a few Pixies tracks (was that not a normal mixture?!).

Looks like lego from goodkarmasoaps, these make me giggle lots! Love them!

And last (but of course not least!) my own FoundlingsJewellery contribution to 80's fever - hypoallergenic Pacman and Blinky earrings!

Happy 80's revival!

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